
We have always had a deep respect for the power of photography and videography. Our passion for wedding documentation stems from the joy and fulfillment it brings us to preserve one of the happiest days in a couple's life. We believe that through our work, we can not only preserve memories, but also inspire love and hope in those who witness our creations.
Our dedication to our craft is apparent in all that we do. We pour our heart and soul into each and every project, mastering the art of lighting, framing and editing. We never compromise on the quality of our work and we always strive to exceed the expectations of our clients.
As a believers in Christ, we find comfort and inspiration in the words, "With God, all things are possible." This motto has helped us to overcome difficult obstacles and maintain a positive outlook in our personal and professional lives.
In our spare time, we indulge in a love of desserts, favoring croissants and a cappuccino, or indulging in a delicious cup of chocolate ice cream from Cold Stone. Our love of travel has taken us to many exciting destinations, including Italy, London, El Salvador, Spain, Mexico and more.
Our dedication to our work and creative passions have afforded us the opportunity to work as full-time photographers and videographers, as well as serving as the Media Directors at our local church. Our achievements have been made more meaningful by the joy of sharing life's sweetest moments with our marriage of 15 years. We are truly living our dream and our future looks as bright and promising as ever.

Our mission is to help people see every detail of their special moment through the capturing of photo and video. For us, the real joy comes in presenting that final product to the client and exceeding their expectations.
Victor Vega


Get in Touch

We would love to assist you in capturing your moment, whether it’s your wedding, quinceañera, professional headshots or an event, we are here to capture it with excellence.